Sunday 2 March 2014

Chriss Cross Table Runner and Place Mats: Part 2

Chriss Cross Set of 4  Place Mats

Last week you received your Class requirements
so please refer to this if you are not sure what you need....
here is the link below

it will have everything you need for both a table runner and a set of 4 place mats

Lets get cutting and sewing “)

first take your matching F/Q's and iron out all the creases if needed
this is a must for accurate cutting of the template :)

Here comes the fun and simple part of this Lovely table set

1. take your  MSQC Small simple Wedge template

and place it on your fabric as i have in the picture
now cut along each edge of the template
that is your first spin your template...
line up on the cut edge of the fabric and cut along the other edge
so you get your 2nd Triangle....continue this until
you have 32 triangles in total ")  for your Place mats
this will give you 4 feature panels for your Place mats
you can have more if you is what Eunice done 
with her place mats pictured here>>>

2. Lets get sewing!
take your triangles and place them like
i have done in the picture here...and sew a 1/4 inch
seam along the and then add another
to this and continue until you have joined  triangles together
this forms a feature block in the your 4  place mats
continue until you have 4  panels in total for place mats
then square off your panel :)

Square off your feature panel 

3. Onto the Border for feature panels
take you Contrasting F/Q and cut into
1 inch Strips (cut as you need as you may not use the whole F/Q)
Now border your feature block.... FINGER Press as you go.....for me I done the long sides first
then the top and you can see pictured here

4. Now onto the assembly of your 4 Place mats
take you Plain fabric in my case I used Black as this is my colour scheme of
my Kitchen/Dinning Room
** Cut 1x 9.5 inch strip  across the width of the fabric (this should be enough to your 4 place mats providing your fabric is 42-44 inches wide as mine was)
and then 1 x 2.5 inch strip across the width of the fabric
take your first bordered feature Block and  add a 2.5" strip to the left side
and then on the right side of the feature block add the 9.5" strip of fabric
now trim of excess… so it looks like this

5. Now for the final strips to be added
**Cut 1 x 1.5 inch strips (see placement of strips in above picture)
**i only cut one as I was working across the width of the fabric
but you may have to join a couple pieces if you are using only
fat quarters :) as is the case for those of you that are using up
your scraps

Your Set of 4 place mats should look like the above picture…

Now onto Quilting my case i kept it nice and simple and just cross hatched
the main panel and in ditched the feature block just as I did for the Table Runner last week

how I did this was by marking my fabric with a chalk pencil
spacing my lines 1 inch apart

Refer to Part 1 for all your binding Information


Happy Quilting “) N

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