Monday 16 April 2018

Show'n'Tell Monday, April 16th 2018

Show'n'Tell Monday, April 16th, 2018

So what is show and tell Monday?...

Well put simply this is something that we do in our Facebook Group
each we are given a topic to ponder the Thursday before, then I post a YouTube video On the Monday Afternoon Australian Time. This is so that the rest of the world will wake to
it on Monday morning.

Then members of the group answer or show us what the theme is...
in the comments directly below the post...
So I thought I would share this with the broader community,
so here I am showing this weeks topic.

If you have yet to join our Facebook Group, then why not
Request to Join you do that by clicking this link
here >>>
Each week Sarah Posts up a new topic for us on a Thursday, and this was her post this week :) :) 
This week's YouTube Video can be found 

Show and Tell Monday, April 16th - Alrighty…get your walking shoes on, take that dog or cat with you on a walk or even a spouse or friend and look for patterns…
something that could be used as a quilting pattern, take a picture and post it or describe it to us if you are one our YouTube Comments...
The only rule is, you can not use anything in your sewing room. Although I did show what I was going to use in my sewing room to complete the inspiration, I get from the Trees at the end of my Street...
That would be too easy because being in that room will create the ease of finding a pattern. So you have to really “look” beyond the comfort of your sewing room. You will be AMAZED at what you discover.

"Till next time
Happy Quilting & Crafting ")

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