and Singer Sewing Machines
Monthly Newsletter
With Mothers Day just around the corner
we here at Darvanalee Designs would like to take this opportunity to
wish All the wonderful Mums out there
a Very Happy Mother’s Day ...we Hope you get all you
wish for and more
:) :)
Another Crafty Month has past...with lots of fun creating
our Friday Classes a humming along with lots of things being
done and some new people joining us..
I had 10 days off over Easter and I am now
trying to catch up on what needs to be done
I had a wonderful break with my family
and the girls and I set a task of 10 days of UFO’s
we had lots of fun and they got their quilts finished yay
Monday Classes are starting to move along now too…
"Sew" if you are a beginner sewer or just want to come along for some
help with your creation...then by all means pop in and say hi and we
will be able to help you
we are at the Nanango Markets again this
month...So why not come by and say hi
and pick up something for Mum for Mother’s Day
we are at Site 65 :) we would love to see you there
Show Time
I would like to wish everyone who has
entered something into the Kingaroy
show the best of luck...and now i guess we are
all starting to think of what to make and enter
into next years show
Please Support the Kingaroy show
by entering you handmade items :)
Night Classes
We put out a call for a Wednesday Night Class here at
Darvanalee Designs
for all those creative bunnies that are looking for something to do
we are still taking expressions of Interest at this point
we need 5 firm bookings to get under way ...these classes
will be things like Blocks of the Month and some crafty items
such as home Decor or small quilts
we are at this point looking at fortnightly classes
7pm to 9pm
so if you are interested please let me know
as soon as possible :) look forward to hearing from you
Ph:4163 66 31 or 0429 55 1970
we have lots going on over the coming Month
Classes Classes Classes
This month we have a Mug Wrap
and a Wall hanging “Basket of Love”
we also have the Last friday of this month set
down for our Template Class this month we are using the Missouri Star Quilt Co. Crazy Patch
So dig out those scraps from your scrap basket
ladies and the Month of May is all about the
scraps :) :)
please refer to Calendar for Dates and more info :)
**Calendar is at the end of Newsletter Click Pic and Print out **
Mothers Day
Mother’s Day is fast approaching...are looking for something a little different
well we have Gift Certificates available
and we also have the New Missouri Star Quilt Co. Bi-Monthly Magazine
available to purchase as well as the MSQC Quilting Templates that compliment the patterns in the new Magazine....And if you looking for a new Sewing Machine ....well we
can help with that too.... below is our current Specials Catalogue Just for Mum :)
if you have any Questions then pop in or give us a call and we will be happy to
help “)
see Catalogue Below “)
Quilting Service
Currently we are sitting at approximately a 3 week turnaround
sorry for any inconvenience this may cause…
We are working to get this time back down to
If you have a quilt that you are wanting to Quilt
then get it into us asap...Did you Know that we offer a
Binding Service too...why not ask us next time you drop off
your quilt … “)
Custom Handmade Quilts
Did you know that we also make Quilts to order here at
Darvanalee Deisgns....
so if you don’t have the time to make one yourself then
why not ask us and we will be happy to make you what
you are looking for...they start from $350 as it will depend on your
fabric choice and size of your quilt
so why not give a call today and find out more :)
because we believe everyone should be snuggled under a Custom
handmade Quilt :)
Fabrics & More
More and More Fabrics are arriving weekly
Pop in to see what we have on offer
we have a range of Wide Back quilt backings
and we stock Matilda’s Own Waddings
Cotton/Bamboo/Polyester and 100%Wool on request “)
we also have a wide range of Templates from a variety of different companies
and we also are the Authorised stockist of Missouri Star Quilt Co templates
and we are Proud to announce that we are stocking their
new Bi-Monthly Magazine called “BLOCK”
each magazine comes with 10 patterns and no adverts
in the magazine...the way a magazine should be..pop in as we only have limited
stock of Issue 1...but Issue 2 will be arriving soon so get in and reserve your copy today :) :)
Sewing Machine Servicing
We have the Sewing Machine Doctor coming again in month
11th of July as he is on holidays for the moment
and I am guessing he will be back around the same time
month of August :) so keep these dates in mind if your
Machine, your baby needs some tender loving care drop it in“)
**please be aware that you will be contacted to
come and get your machine and as we are limited for
space it is appreciated to do so at your earliest convenience
thank you :)
Now on to the Fun Stuff
Classes Yippee :) :)
All Classes run from 9.30 am to 12.30pm
there is a class fee of $10 plus Materials
bookings Essential on as we only have
limited spots left :)
Ph: 4163 6631 or 0429 55 1970
Come join the fun with like Minded People
Morning Tea is Provided
**Click on the Image to Print out for your records**
Happy Quilting “) N
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